
Handmade Gong Amp inspired by the Métallique resonator on the ondes martenot.

The integrated power amplifier takes line level signals and amplifies them into an audio exciter attached to the tam tam which turns it into a speaker, creating ghostly resonances and metallic timbres.

Works particularly well with glissando-ing synths and pitchbends, sounds great with guitar, (creating loads of sustain) and works really well with drum machines and percussion. You could also throw Motown samples at it.

‣ A 14’’ tam tam resonator inside a handmade birch ply cabinet with oak details. Finished with shellac and natural beeswax
‣ 230v standard IEC/kettle lead


‣ Length: 23cm
‣ Width: 44.5cm
‣ Height: 62cm
Dôrn Sound Objects
© 2022